Julie Weishaar

Internet and Video Marketing Solutions For Business, New Horizons 123 |

With over 10 years of corporate marketing management experience, Julie works with small business owners in discovering the exact nature of what their business offerings are, who their target market is, and assists them in developing creative ways to get their marketing message across to their target market in a beneficial and timely manner. Although she is based in New York, Julie has an international target market and enjoys teaching business owners how to use video as part of their overall marketing strategy. Julie uses turnkey state-of-the-art technology and proven marketing practices to create results for businesses by providing automated marketing systems which help to increase sales while reducing expenses. Julie has a strong passion for creating videos and puts this passion to work by assisting business owners in planning how to strategically implement the use of videos online, and in the process showing them how videos can and will increase their web presence and promote their brand. Video branding and marketing is fast becoming the most effective method for marketing as video is such a powerful tool, allowing business owners to reach out to their prospects and appeal to several senses at once. Julie can create unique and memorable videos about your product or service that will make your brand stand out from your competitors. If you're not using video, contact Julie immediately for a free consultation, and learn how using video will promote your brand and help to grow your business. Don't wait, call Julie now at 914-522-6411

1 article by Julie Weishaar