Robert Passikoff

Founder and President, Brand Keys, Inc. |

Brand Keys is the world leader in predictive loyalty, brand & engagement metrics. Since 1984 we've specialized in correlated-to-sales measures, predictive of in-market consumer behavior. Our methodology is grounded in psychology, & provides an in-depth understanding of emotional and rational factors that bond consumers to brands. Decision-making is more emotional than rational, that ratio currently estimated to be 70:30. The ARF and other groups have independently validated our work. Brand Keys created the Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, the Brandweek Loyalty Leaders List, the Sports Fan Loyalty Index, & Women's Wear Daily Fashion Brand Index. Our 1st best-selling book, Predicting Market Success, offered a 21st century perspective on predictive metrics. Our new book, The Certainty Principle, examines a predictive approach to Integrated Marketing ROI. In 2007, New York University's communication school declared Dr. Passikoff "the most-quoted brand consultant in the United States."

45 articles by Robert Passikoff