Sandra Morgan

Founder/CEO, The Network Chefs |

Sandra Morgan is the Founder/CEO/Editor in Chief of Kalön Women (, an online magazine and blog - all designed and geared toward supporting her 95,000 (founded in 2008 and built solely through social media) subscriber base of women forty plus. In 2010, Sandra founded a sister company called The Network Chefs ( in response to the hundreds of emails she received asking her the same question, "How did you build Kalon Women, and can you teach me?" Her response to their question: "I built it through social media, and yes I can help you!" Although she began to build a consulting business based on helping people (small business) grow their social media presence, she quickly realized that even with consulting and training her clients just weren't able to keep up with it - or - they just didn't want to, nor could they afford to hire a full-time person to manage it for them. The Network Chefs was created to fill that need, and opened its online doors in April of 2010. She is rapidly building a strong customer base and a leading edge line of social media services:  SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY  IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES  SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIT  COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS  SOCIAL PROFILE CREATION  BADGE CREATION AND STRATEGY  WIDGET STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT  BLOG DESIGN, SETUP AND/OR OPTIMIZATION  BLOG STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT  COMMUNITY BUILDING STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT  COMMUNITY MONITORING  ENEWSLETTER DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT  DIGITAL MAGAZINE DESIGN  WORDPRESS DESIGN & OPTIMIZATION In recognition and appreciation of Sandra's commitment to volunteer service, she was awarded The President's Call to Service Award in 2010 for over 4,000 hours of volunteer service. Elected in 2010, Sandra sits on the Board of Directors for IMMN (International Mature Marketing Network). Accepted into The National Association of Professional Women 2012

2 articles by Sandra Morgan