Michael Silverman


The website you want. The expertise you need!

Duo builds Drupal sites with a focus on excelent user experience, lead generation, and digital marketing.

Founded in 1999, Duo is an experienced web development team. In 15 years we've weathered several booms and busts, tried our hand in proprietary and open source, and learned a lot about how to build a great team.

Whether you're looking for microsites or an integrated platform, Duo's experts create sites with the functionality you need and the experience your visitors expect. Our sites attract, convert and delight, with a stunning user experience; and improve over time through effective use of clear analytics.

We are a team of experts and lifelong learners. Our commitment to education keeps us up to date on the latest technological advancements that can benefit your site, and our committed to growth as an organization means that we are alway encouraging our clients to go beyond their original goals and aspirations. We select only great projects with great clients, and we are dedicated to building strong, ongoing relationships. We hope you'll be one of them.

Find out what Duo can do for you. Visit our blog, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, or shoot us an email at [email protected]

1 article by Michael Silverman