David Micallef

Head of Digital, Fenton Communications |

I am a communications and public relations consultant based in Melbourne, Australia and Head of Media and Digital of national communications agency Fenton Communications. With around a decade's experience in the media and communications market I have worked with a range of public and private organisations in media, crisis and issues management, strategy and campaign development - and all elements of implementation. My work with Fentons focuses mainly on government, the non-profit and some private sector work in the areas of health, infrastructure, sustainability, social justice and professional services. My most memorable work has included working with the Victorian Government's Department of Human Services on the community recovery from the devastating bushfires of February 2009. My new role has now focused me on helping many in the government and non-profit sector in crossing into the digital space, as I am a great believer that social media will continue to revolutionise the way that we communicate as a society. I am a lover of travel, love my city (Melbourne!), food, bars and trashy TV.

2 articles by David Micallef