Shel Israel

Author & Speaker

Shel Israel writes and speaks about technology's impact on business and life. He has been a keynote speaker on all continents not covered by ice, appearing before audiences of up to 6,000 people and as intimate as 50.

Two previous works, Naked Conversations and Age of Context, were written with Robert Scoble, and were critically acclaimed best sellers in the technology business category.

In 2006, Naked Conversations became the first book to successfully argue that businesses should adopt social media. In 2013, Age of Context, became its sequel by demonstrating that social media was converging with mobile, sensors, location and data technologies to foment a storm of change in technology's role.

Lethal Generosity is the third in this series. In this new book, Israel examines a new convergence between contextual technologies and the emergent Millennials-the first generation of digital natives. He explains how together, a power shift of influence is moving from brands to buyers and explains why every public-facing enterprise must adjust course.

Israel began his long career as a newspaper reporter in the 1960s. Hating the vow of poverty that accompanies a life in journalism, he spent 20 years as a Silicon Valley PR executive.

In 2001, he sold SIPR, the agency he started and ran, to his employees. He became a recovering publicist.

Israel has previously contributed to numerous publications including Forbes, FastCompany, BusinessWeek, and Business Insider.

He now writes and speaks full time. Learn more about him at